Children Dentistry – San Marcos

“Children are very impressionable” explains our family dentist in San Marcos. It is therefore very important to only leave them with good impressions of whatever it is they are doing. The power of suggestion not only works in adults, but it also works equally well if not better in a young child. When talking to your kids about the dentist, always use it in a good context, not something bad and horrible. This way your child will be more comfortable which makes them enjoy their dental visit rather than fear it.
As our San Marcos children dentist Dr. Sonny Eslampour explains, it is best to start children getting used to going to the dentist when they are young. When a child sees a dentist for the first time, the nature of the visit will shape their future attitude towards dentists. If they are in pain from a badly infected tooth, they will associate going to the dentist with pain. But if they don’t have pain and are going in for a check-up, they do not make this association. Plus, if there is a problem developing it will be detected earlier on, making it easier to correct.
Children – Baby Teeth
When a child is born, they have no teeth. Their first teeth (usually the lower front teeth) come in around the time the child is about 6 months old. Children typically have all of their 20 baby teeth by the time they turn 3 years old. It is during this time that good brushing habits need to be enforced. Some kids have lots of spacing between their baby teeth. This is good not only from a developmental view but also from a hygienic standpoint. With this spacing, it is much easier to clean the teeth with a toothbrush. Also, the child’s saliva will be able to bathe the teeth and help with the plaque level. In kids where their teeth have no spacing in between, we see more cavities and dental problems.
Baby Teeth Are Different Than Adult Teeth
We have 2 sets of teeth. The first is called the baby teeth. Children only have 20 baby teeth, compared to 32 adult teeth. These teeth are smaller than their adult counterparts and not as strong. That’s why fluoride is recommended for children. It is so their teeth get stronger and less likely to decay. These teeth serve several important functions. They allow for proper facial development of the child. They also act as homing beacons and guides for the adult teeth. Losing a baby tooth before its time causes problems with the eruption of the adult teeth.
Prevention – Key to Success
Baby teeth are not as strong as adult teeth. Children are also not the best when it comes to brushing their teeth. Fluoride is often recommended for baby teeth. This is so the tooth gets stronger and more impervious to tooth decay. Sealants are also recommended. These bonded “fillings” are used to seal the deep grooves on the baby teeth. This helps protect teeth (mainly molars) from getting cavities.
Our dentist wants to make each child’s dental visit comfortable and pleasant. If you’re looking for a caring dentist give us a call.