New Patient Promotions $195

If you have no dental insurance then our new patient promotion is your ticket. Have your teeth examined, X-rayed, and cleaned. And get it all for a great price.
Haven’t been to the dentist for a while? Then check out this great resource we found on WebMD for Teeth and Gum Care.
Emergency Exam $79**
Do you have a tooth that is hurting? Don’t ignore it. It won’t go away on its own. We’ll help you decide what is best to help get you out of pain and discomfort.
Free Teeth Whitening***
Want to whiten your teeth for free? Then as a new patient when you have your teeth examined, X-rayed and cleaned at regular fees, you’ll be eligible for a free at home teeth whitening. Insurances welcomed. New patients only. Cannot be combined with other offers or promotions.
Free Invisalign Evaluation
Considering Invisalign? Then take advantage of our Complimentary Invisalign Consultation. A savings of over $110.
1-Hour in-office Teeth Whitening $455
One of the safest, and fastest, ways of whitening your teeth in 1 hour, at an incredible price. This is a $60 savings.
Home Bleaching $199
Want to whiten your teeth professionally and affordably? Have your own custom-made whitening kit. Comes complete with whitening gel, trays and instruction. Whiten both upper and lower teeth for only $240.
* Only for new patients with no dental insurance. Includes regular cleaning (in the absence of gum disease), up to 6 digital X-rays and dental exam. Cannot be combined with other offers.
** Only for new patients with no dental insurance. Includes evaluation of most urgent dental problem. Includes up to 2 digital X-rays.
*** In case of dental insurance, the difference between insurance fees and regular fees needs to be paid for before having teeth whitened.